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Racial discrimination and administrative burden in access to public services


Nature Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1071

Bell, E., & Jilke, S.

Reducing administrative burdens to increase the take-up of public services: The case of vaccination intentions


Public Management Review, 1-21

Cantarelli, P., Belle, N., Herd, P., & Moynihan, D. P.

Administrative burden and procedural denials: Experimental evidence from SNAP


American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 16(4), 316-340

Giannella, E., Homonoff, T., Rino, G., & Somerville, J.

Assessing burden tolerance amid the Medicaid Great Unwinding


Public Administration Review

Haeder, S. F., & Moynihan, D. P.

Reducing administrative burdens to increase the take-up of public services: The case of vaccination intentions


Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

Herd, P., & Johnson, R. A.

Gendered administrative burden: Regulating gendered bodies, labor, and identity


Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Herd, P., & Moynihan, D.


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